Saturday, April 3, 2010

What I like about Compaq Laptop Computers

Use only Certain Dell Laptop Computers :

Dell laptop computers are known for their popularity for students. But, when it comes to a work environment, does it really perform up to par? The answer is no because these laptops are known for their cheap prices and cheap parts. This translates over to a really bad battery life and other fails for the computer. What you need to do is get the right kind of Dell computers for yourself. These are usually a little bit more expensive, but they are worth the money. I know that I like the XPS brand kind because it is top quality and fast.

Compaq Laptop Computers used to be the laughingstock of the industry because they would break down on a customer within a month of purchase. Even if they did not break down, the computer OS would crash because the hardware could not support the software. Or, people would see their battery life go from 3 hours to minutes within a span of 24 hours. This was not a good thing and Compaq took a lot of hits for that. But, now they are slowly making their products better and people are starting to buy the laptops again. I just caution you to buy a warranty if you do buy Compaq.

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